June 18, 2014


Instead of my usual blog on the parashah, I am forwarding to you the comments of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz regarding the kidnapping of our teens. Please join me in praying for the welfare of our children.

From Rabbi Steinsaltz:
We can never know the extent our pleas and cries reach Heaven - and also have some effect here, on earth. What we can do - and this has been the Jewish way from time immemorial - is to add more holiness and learn more Torah. If we can, each of us should take upon ourselves something additional, no matter how small, especially and explicitly devoted for the sake and well-being of the missing boys.
Furthermore, we Jews have always been accustomed to reciting the Psalms, and we certainly ought to do more of this, especially two psalms that seem to me most relevant: Psalms 142 and 143, chapters that literally deal with our plight. We pray also for the safety of those who are working toward their rescue.
May it be God's will that in their merit, and for the merit of their suffering, together with our prayers and good deeds, we shall soon see our boys returned to us, God willing, safe and sound.
Psalm 142
1 Maschil of David, when he was in the cave; a Prayer.
2 With my voice I cry unto the LORD; with my voice I make supplication unto the LORD.
3 I pour out my complaint before Him, I declare before Him my trouble;
4 When my spirit fainteth within me - Thou knowest my path - in the way wherein I walk have they hidden a snare for me.
5 Look on my right hand, and see, for there is no man that knoweth me;
I have no way to flee; no man careth for my soul.
6 I have cried unto Thee, O LORD; I have said: 'Thou art my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.
7 Attend unto my cry; for I am brought very low; deliver me from my persecutors; for they are too strong for me.
8 Bring my soul out of prison, that I may give thanks unto Thy name;
the righteous shall crown themselves because of me; for Thou wilt deal bountifully with me.
Dr. Laurence Kutler, Head of School

À la place de mon message habituel sur la Parasha, je vous transmets les commentaires du Rabbin Adin Steinsaltz concernant l'enlèvement des adolescents en Israël. Joignez-vous à moi pour prier pour le retour sains et saufs de nos chers garçons.

De la part de Rabbi Steinsaltz:

''We can never know the extent our pleas and cries reach Heaven - and also have some effect here, on earth. What we can do - and this has been the Jewish way from time immemorial - is to add more holiness and learn more Torah. If we can, each of us should take upon ourselves something additional, no matter how small, especially and explicitly devoted for the sake and well-being of the missing boys.
Furthermore, we Jews have always been accustomed to reciting the Psalms, and we certainly ought to do more of this, especially two psalms that seem to me most relevant: Psalms 142 and 143, chapters that literally deal with our plight. We pray also for the safety of those who are working toward their rescue.
May it be God's will that in their merit, and for the merit of their suffering, together with our prayers and good deeds, we shall soon see our boys returned to us, God willing, safe and sound.''
Psaulme 142:
1] Cantique de David. Lorsqu'il était dans la caverne. Prière.[2] De ma voix je crie à l'Éternel, De ma voix j'implore l'Éternel. [3] Je répands ma plainte devant lui, Je lui raconte ma détresse. [4] Quand mon esprit est abattu au dedans de moi, Toi, tu connais mon sentier. Sur la route où je marche Ils m'ont tendu un piège. [5] Jette les yeux à droite, et regarde! Personne ne me reconnaît, Tout refuge est perdu pour moi, Nul ne prend souci de mon âme. [6] Éternel! c'est à toi que je crie. Je dis: Tu es mon refuge, Mon partage sur la terre des vivants. [7] Sois attentif à mes cris! Car je suis bien malheureux. Délivre-moi de ceux qui me poursuivent! Car ils sont plus forts que moi. [8] Tire mon âme de sa prison, Afin que je célèbre ton nom! Les justes viendront m'entourer, Quand tu m'auras fait du bien.

Dr Laurence Kutler
Directeur général

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