May 7, 2014

MOL - Yom Haatzmaut

Arriving in Jerusalem is an experience like no other! As we climb the road toward Jerusalem, some of the kids get emotional, especially those who have never been. We drive directly to to Mount Scopus. We file out of the bus and stand in two lines, each student placing his/her hands on the shoulders of the student in front of them. Ronen asks everyone to close their eyes. We lead the kids to the Scopus look out and ask them to turn around toward Ronen, away from the view. Ronen says, for centuries Jews around the world have dreamt and prayed about Jerusalem. They have longed for Jerusalem. For Jews everywhere Israel is the centre if the universe. For Israelis, Jerusalem is the focal point of their heart. The epicentre of Jewish spirituality, religion, people hood and belonging is the Old City, specifically the Kotel. Ronen asks the kids to turn around and gaze at Yerushalayim. The view is spectacular in so many ways - the physical beauty of the Old City in the distance is breathtaking, the golden Jerusalem stone sparkling under the sun is mesmerizing, and the significance of what our eyes see is almost too much to process. We are here, we are in Jerusalem!

We walk to Jaffa gate and huddle under the arch before entering the City. Ronen recite in Hebrew, if I forget thee oh Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning."
We enter the Old City and begin walking through the narrow ancient street, making our way to the Kotel. The kids are excited, the mood is festive. We take the kids to the best view in town - the rooftop of Eshet Torah. Again we lead the kids with eyes closed and surprise them on top. WOW!
We make our way down to the Kotel and allow them private time to pray, reflect and marvel at the miracle of Israel and the Jewish people. No words are necessary.

Monica Mendel Bensoussan

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